We are a visionary school, with a competitive environment providing for revolutionary education. We aim to provide every facility imaginable to see your children grow into responsible global citizens, following their heart's desire and excelling at life.
Delhi Public School Haldwani is a Co-Educational Senior Secondary School located in Haldwani, Uttarakhand, India. It was established in 2018, under the aegis of Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi. The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. CBSE Curriculum is being followed at Delhi Public School, Haldwani.
Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi for the past 74 years has been the pioneer leader on the education forefront. Since its inception in 1949, the society has always been true to its motto, " Service Before Self." .With a total of 220 schools in India and abroad, it is the largest such institution. Out of the 220 operational schools, 209 of them are franchisee schools, 11 are core schools and 11 schools are established abroad. Following the guidelines of the DPS Society, Delhi Public School, Haldwani aims to bring the invaluable experience and expertise of the former to provide good quality education and innumerable opportunities that Haldwani has always hoped for and truly deserves.
Spread across approximately 8.5 acres of lush green lands Delhi Public School, Haldwani provides its students a golden opportunity to connect with nature and use it to ignite their minds, inspire their imagination and bring joy to the process of learning. Tucked away amidst nature and the progressive town of Haldwani. DPS provides a safe, caring and reliable environment for a transformative and revolutionary learning experience.
Our Vision & Mission
To play a leading and crucial role in the holistic development of the students and help them evolve into
thinking people, as Albert Einstein rightly said, " Education is not the learning of the facts but the training
of the mind to think "
We have envisioned a future of a world with responsible citizens who have a lifelong passion for learning
and hence we make it our mission:
- To build a beautiful, caring, technologically adept, secure, thought provoking, globally competent environment for the students.
- To help the students develop and grow academically, artistically, socially, in sports, as a humanitarian and be environment conscious.
- To create such opportunities that will help the students to take initiative,be innovative, creative and assume responsibilities to shoulder leaderships roles.
- To nurture next generation global citizens, leaders, thinkers, athletes and academicians.
Technology Embracement
At DPS, we believe in absolute technology embracement to enhance the teaching-learning process. Learning becomes easier, more effective and impactful. This is an endeavour to equip the students with the upcoming technological trends, tools and techniques and new-age developments like VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality).
- Smart Class Modules: Interactive and seamless lecture delivery through smart class modules
- ERP Software: Complete Digital school management and Parent App for effective and instant communication
- English Language lab: It empowers the students via a self-learning mode to improve their English communication skills.
- Mathematics Lab: Mathematical modelling activities using technology making math more enjoyable and participative
- 3D printing: It helps foster creativity and spark student’s imagination. Conceptualising and creating 3d models enhances critical thinking abilities.
- Robotics Lab: It aspires the creativity and logic of the young minds.
Liaison with Parents
The similarity we share with the parents is that of absolute dedication and duty we have towards the future of the students. Nothing can undermine the irreplaceable role parents play in the education of their children. And for this we join hands with the parents on our noble endeavour.
- Efficient and regular communication is maintained with the parents.
- A periodical review of the student's performance, co-curricular activities/ discipline and behaviour is also communicated to the parents.
- Parent Connect Programme is annually conducted wherein teachers personally reach out to parents on their turf and faculty visits homes of students to understand their backgrounds,address grievances and discuss effective measures to help them prosper in life.
- Civil Engineering from Thomson College of Engineering (now known as IIT Roorkee) In 1950.
- Retired as Executive Engineer from UP Irrigation Department
- Ex-President, Arya Pratinidhi Sabha Uttrakhand
- Ex-President Agarwal Sabha, Haldwani & Haridwar
- Founder Chairman Himalaya Group Of Industries
Our Mentor’s Divine Blessings
मनुष्य संसार का सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्राणी कहा जाता है , सबसे बुद्धिमान माना जाता है, बड़े से बड़े विकास अपने अन्वेषणों से कर भी रहा है, परन्तु साथ ही सर्वाधिक रोग, शोक, कष्ट व तनाव भी मनुष्य में ही पाया जाता है इसका मूल कारण अधूरी शिक्षा को ही माना जा सकता है| शिक्षा का उद्देश्य भौतिक एवं आत्मिक विकास करना है वर्तमान शिक्षा भौतिक विकास पर केंद्रित है एवं आत्मिक विकास की उपेक्षा के कारण ही समाज में अशांति एवं असंतोष व्याप्त है| प्राचीन काल से ही भारत विश्वगुरु रहा है। क्योंकि परमपिता परमात्मा ने वेदों का ज्ञान इसी पवित्र भूमि पर प्रदान किया था | त्रषियों ने मानव जीवन का उद्वेश्य धर्म, अर्थ, काम एवं मोक्ष की सिद्धि को बताया है। वेदों ने ' मनुर्भव ' का सन्देश भी दिया है | अर्थात् सर्वप्रथम मनुष्य बनने की शिक्षा दी जानी चाहिए और जीवन को श्रेष्ठ बनाने के लिए शिक्षा के साथ-साथ संस्कारो की महती आवश्यकता होती है। वर्तमान मे भौतिक विकास की शिक्षा तो प्रदान की जा रही हैं परन्तु आत्मिक उन्नाति शान्ति संस्कारों की शिक्षा में कमी आयी है। यह विद्यालय दिल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल हल्द्वानी विद्यार्थियो को उत्तम संस्कारित एवं विकसित मानव बनाने के लिए नवीन व प्राचीनताका समन्वय करते हुए शिक्षा के साथ-साथ संस्कारों को प्रमुखता देगा। ऐसा मुझे पूर्ण विश्वास है। ' सा विद्या या विमुक्तये के सिद्धान्त कोअपनाते हुए विद्यालय निरन्तर उन्नति करेगा और अपने उद्देश्य को प्राप्त करने में सफल होगा , ऐसा मुझे पूर्ण विश्वास हैं एवं मेरी प्रभु से प्रार्थना है।

Late Shri Hazarilal Agarwal Ji
- Retired Indian Administrative Services Officer.
- Served as Comptroller & Auditor General.
- Serves as the Chairman at ASREC (India) Limited.
- He represented Govt. of India at International Bodies like Asian Development Bank, IMF/World Bank, International Organization of the Supreme Audit Institutions, Asian Organization of the Supreme Audit Institutions, ASOSAI, etc.
- Founder member of Shunglu Committee that was formed to examine the alleged irregularities and cases of nepotism in the appointments across various Delhi State Government Departments.
Chairman’s Guiding Principles
With every new school that is set up, I am filled with the feeling of excitement for the numerous possibilities that the school holds.
Dear students,there is a Tibetan proverb that says " A child without education is like a bird without wings." All of you are birds, meant to fly high in this great journey of life. Do not let the chains of ignorance hold you down. Do not let the higher purpose of your life go unfulfilled. The scope of what each one of you with your talent, individuality, hard work and the school's guidance can achieve is just enormous. There is a world of enormous possibilities and opportunities waiting for you, just past the doorways of this academic institution. Avail the world-class education facilities that are coming your way through Delhi Public School, Haldwani. Make the best use of this once in a lifetime opportunity, be your best self and make this world a better place in your own way.
' I am happy that the school getting set up at Haldwani, Uttarakhand is publishing its first prospectus. I understand that the prospectus is being published to inform the parents about what would happen once the school gets going. I wish it all the best.'

Mr. V K Shunglu
Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi
- Alumni of St. Georges School, Mussoorie and Delhi Public School, Faridabad
- B-Tech (Mechanical)- VIT, Vellore
- Management Course from London School of Economics, London
- MBA from Indian School of Business, Hyderabad
- Director, Himalaya Group of Industries
Pro Vice Chairman’s Inspiring Words
Every human being has an innate tendency to be his or her best self. It's one of our most basic instincts, all it requires is the right environment. And it gives me immense happiness to be a medium to help provide a safe, caring and structured environment for the students to attain the zenith of their mental, physical, creative and social abilities. Haldwani has opened its arms to an educational institution with the potential to set nonpareil standards in terms of facilities, education system, faculty, competence and global standards. Delhi Public School, Haldwani comes with a promise to serve.
Biologists believe every individual is different from the other. And this is where I feel the method of education falters when we start treating our students as a group and not as individuals. My aim is to help recognize, nurture and develop each student's individuality. With our unparalleled facilities and highly efficient faculty, we will help students find their area of interest help them grow and develop as artists, athletes, intellectuals, musicians, actors, authors, CEO's, inventors, philosophers, academicians or all of it. Every aspect of the school right from its inception to every single decision is solely focused on students' success.
- An academician with more than 28 years of experience in the fieldd of education.
- An alumnus of St Mary's Convent and All Saints' College Nainital. She has been awarded with Merit of Honor for her Masters from Kumaon University besides being an All Rounder and topper of UNO Junior Examination pan India.
- An educationist, possessing a strong commitment to the development of students and staff and the belief in providing a stimulating, safe, and motivating learning environment.
- She believes in the child centric approach towards education & other related fields.Her aim is to create the leaders who will be trail blazers and to make DPS Haldwani the benchmark school in the city.
From the Principal’s Desk
Dear Children and Parents,
We are delighted to introduce DPS, Haldwani to you. Our institution is a progressive child-centred, co-educational setup committed to providing quality and holistic education for all the students.
DPS, Haldwani has a strong commitment in the quest for excellence in the field of education and in enhancing the student's potential and changing their outlook. Our purpose is to guide students to become conscientious and confident citizens. We seek to instil in our students a passion for learning that will bring the knowledge and understanding they will need to make a positive contribution to the communities in which they live and work.
We are fortunate to have a talented, highly committed teaching and support staff here to ensure the learning environment of our students is the best it can be. Optimism, tradition, inclusiveness, service, compassion, tolerance, hope and faithfulness are the underpinnings of the education we aim to provide. It is in this context that our students will learn.
The likelihood of achieving this is strengthened by the fact that we offer an academic program that includes breadth and depth and is rigorous. We encourage high academic standards and have high expectations of personal discipline and motivation from our students. These will be the keys to their success in life after school.
To quote Nobel Laureate Albert Einstein, " Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think." With this objective and strong belief, I would be pleased to welcome you to DPS, Haldwani and would be delighted to be involved in the education of your children and to foster their values, knowledge and wisdom.
Thank you for considering us as the school for your child.
- Late. Shri Hazari Lal Agarwal Ji
- Mr Bhumesh Agarwal
- Mr Gyanesh Agarwal
- Mr Prabodh Agarwal
- Mr Vivek Agarwal
Himalaya Stone Industries, Haldwani
Est 1985
Himalaya Stone Crusher Private Limited , Haridwar
Est 1996
Himalaya Eco Park & Resorts - Crystal World (Amusement & Water Park), Haridwar
Est 2005
Himalaya Grits, Haldwani
Est 2006
Himgiri Stone, Nazibabad
Est 2011
Himalaya Food & Recreations - National Food Court, Haridwar
Est 2016
Himalaya Education Society - Delhi Public School, Haldwani
Est 2018

Delhi Public School Haldwani is a Co-Educational Senior Secondary School located in Haldwani, Uttarakhand, India. It was established in 2018, under the aegis of Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi. The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. CBSE Curriculum is being followed at Delhi Public School, Haldwani.
Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi for the past 72 years has been the pioneer leader on the education forefront. Since its inception in 1949, the society has always been true to its motto, " Service Before Self." .With a total of 220 schools in India and abroad, it is the largest such institution. Out of the 220 operational schools, 209 of them are franchisee schools, 11 are core schools and 11 schools are established abroad. Following the guidelines of the DPS Society, Delhi Public School, Haldwani aims to bring the invaluable experience and expertise of the former to provide good quality education and innumerable opportunities that Haldwani has always hoped for and truly deserves.
Spread across approximately 8.5 acres of lush green lands Delhi Public School, Haldwani provides its students a golden opportunity to connect with nature and use it to ignite their minds, inspire their imagination and bring joy to the process of learning. Tucked away amidst nature and the progressive town of Haldwani. DPS provides a safe, caring and reliable environment for a transformative and revolutionary learning experience.
To play a leading and crucial role in the holistic development of the students and help them evolve into
thinking people, as Albert Einstein rightly said, " Education is not the learning of the facts but the training
of the mind to think "
We have envisioned a future of a world with responsible citizens who have a lifelong passion for learning
and hence we make it our mission:
- To build a beautiful, caring, technologically adept, secure, thought provoking, globally competent environment for the students.
- To help the students develop and grow academically, artistically, socially, in sports, as a humanitarian and be environment conscious.
- To create such scenarios, which will help the students, take initiative and responsibilities.
- To nurture the philosophy of self-reliance, adaptability and interdependence.
- To encourage an atmosphere of cooperation, with respect for individual differences and community values.
- To nurture next generation global citizens, leaders, thinkers, athletes and academicians.
At DPS, we believe in absolute technology embracement to enhance the teaching-learning process. Learning becomes easier, more effective and impactful. This is an endeavour to equip the students with the upcoming technological trends, tools and techniques and new-age developments like VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality).
- Smart Class Modules: Interactive and seamless lecture delivery through smart class modules
- ERP Software: Complete Digital school management and Parent App for effective and instant communication
- English Language lab: It empowers the students via a self-learning mode to improve their English communication skills.
- Mathematics Lab: Mathematical modelling activities using technology making math more enjoyable and participative
- 3D printing: It helps foster creativity and spark student’s imagination. Conceptualising and creating 3d models enhances critical thinking abilities.
- Robotics Lab: It aspires the creativity and logic of the young minds.
The similarity we share with the parents is that of complete dedication and duty we have towards the future of the students. Nothing can undermine the irreplaceable role parents play in the education of their children. And for this we join hands with the parents on our noble endeavour.
- Efficient and regular communication is maintained with the parents.
- A periodical review of the student's performance, extra activities and behaviour is regularly communicated to the parents.
- Parent Connect Programme is annually conducted wherein teachers personally reach out to parents on their turf and faculty visits homes of students to understand their backgrounds,address grievances and discuss effective measures to help them prosper in life.
- Civil Engineering from Thomson College of Engineering (now known as IIT Roorkee) In 1950.
- Retired as Executive Engineer from UP Irrigation Department
- Ex-President, Arya Pratinidhi Sabha Uttrakhand
- Ex-President Agarwal Sabha, Haldwani & Haridwar
- Founder Chairman Himalaya Group Of Industries
Our Mentor’s Divine Blessings
मनुष्य संसार का सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्राणी कहा जाता है , सबसे बुद्धिमान माना जाता है, बड़े से बड़े विकास अपने अन्वेषणों से कर भी रहा है, परन्तु साथ ही सर्वाधिक रोग, शोक, कष्ट व तनाव भी मनुष्य में ही पाया जाता है इसका मूल कारण अधूरी शिक्षा को ही माना जा सकता है| शिक्षा का उद्देश्य भौतिक एवं आत्मिक विकास करना है वर्तमान शिक्षा भौतिक विकास पर केंद्रित है एवं आत्मिक विकास की उपेक्षा के कारण ही समाज में अशांति एवं असंतोष व्याप्त है| प्राचीन काल से ही भारत विश्वगुरु रहा है। क्योंकि परमपिता परमात्मा ने वेदों का ज्ञान इसी पवित्र भूमि पर प्रदान किया था | त्रषियों ने मानव जीवन का उद्वेश्य धर्म, अर्थ, काम एवं मोक्ष की सिद्धि को बताया है। वेदों ने ' मनुर्भव ' का सन्देश भी दिया है | अर्थात् सर्वप्रथम मनुष्य बनने की शिक्षा दी जानी चाहिए और जीवन को श्रेष्ठ बनाने के लिए शिक्षा के साथ-साथ संस्कारो की महती आवश्यकता होती है। वर्तमान मे भौतिक विकास की शिक्षा तो प्रदान की जा रही हैं परन्तु आत्मिक उन्नाति शान्ति संस्कारों की शिक्षा में कमी आयी है। यह विद्यालय दिल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल हल्द्वानी विद्यार्थियो को उत्तम संस्कारित एवं विकसित मानव बनाने के लिए नवीन व प्राचीनताका समन्वय करते हुए शिक्षा के साथ-साथ संस्कारों को प्रमुखता देगा। ऐसा मुझे पूर्ण विश्वास है। ' सा विद्या या विमुक्तये के सिद्धान्त कोअपनाते हुए विद्यालय निरन्तर उन्नति करेगा और अपने उद्देश्य को प्राप्त करने में सफल होगा , ऐसा मुझे पूर्ण विश्वास हैं एवं मेरी प्रभु से प्रार्थना है।

Late Shri Hazarilal Agarwal Ji
- Retired Indian Administrative Services Officer.
- Served as Comptroller & Auditor General.
- Serves as the Chairman at ASREC (India) Limited.
- He represented Govt. of India at International Bodies like Asian Development Bank, IMF/World Bank, International Organization of the Supreme Audit Institutions, Asian Organization of the Supreme Audit Institutions, ASOSAI, etc.
- Founder member of Shunglu Committee that was formed to examine the alleged irregularities and cases of nepotism in the appointments across various Delhi State Government Departments.
Chairman’s Guiding Principles
With every new school that is set up, I am filled with the feeling of excitement for the numerous possibilities that the school holds.
Dear students,there is a Tibetan proverb that says " A child without education is like a bird without wings." All of you are birds, meant to fly high in this great journey of life. Do not let the chains of ignorance hold you down. Do not let the higher purpose of your life go unfulfilled. The scope of what each one of you with your talent, individuality, hard work and the school's guidance can achieve is just enormous. There is a world of enormous possibilities and opportunities waiting for you, just past the doorways of this academic institution. Avail the world-class education facilities that are coming your way through Delhi Public School, Haldwani. Make the best use of this once in a lifetime opportunity, be your best self and make this world a better place in your own way.
' I am happy that the school getting set up at Haldwani, Uttarakhand is publishing its first prospectus. I understand that the prospectus is being published to inform the parents about what would happen once the school gets going. I wish it all the best.'

Mr. V K Shunglu
Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi
- Alumni of St. Georges School, Mussoorie and Delhi Public School, Faridabad
- B-Tech (Mechanical)- VIT, Vellore
- Management Course from London School of Economics, London
- MBA from Indian School of Business, Hyderabad
- Director, Himalaya Group of Industries
Pro Vice Chairman’s Inspiring Words
Every human being has an innate tendency to be his or her best self. It's one of our most basic instincts, all it requires is the right environment. And it gives me immense happiness to be a medium to help provide a safe, caring and structured environment for the students to attain the zenith of their mental, physical, creative and social abilities. Haldwani has opened its arms to an educational institution with the potential to set nonpareil standards in terms of facilities, education system, faculty, competence and global standards. Delhi Public School, Haldwani comes with a promise to serve.
Biologists believe every individual is different from the other. And this is where I feel the method of education falters when we start treating our students as a group and not as individuals. My aim is to help recognize, nurture and develop each student's individuality. With our unparalleled facilities and highly efficient faculty, we will help students find their area of interest help them grow and develop as artists, athletes, intellectuals, musicians, actors, authors, CEO's, inventors, philosophers, academicians or all of it. Every aspect of the school right from its inception to every single decision is solely focused on students' success. The academic session 2018-2019 will be the start of a revolutionary era for education in Haldwani.

Mr. Vivek Agarwal
Pro Vice Chairman
Delhi Public School, Haldwani
From the Principal’s Desk
- An academician with more than 28 years of experience in the fieldd of education.
- An alumnus of St Mary's Convent and All Saints' College Nainital. She has been awarded with Merit of Honor for her Masters from Kumaon University besides being an All Rounder and topper of UNO Junior Examination pan India.
- An educationist, possessing a strong commitment to the development of students and staff and the belief in providing a stimulating, safe, and motivating learning environment.
- She believes in the child centric approach towards education & other related fields.Her aim is to create the leaders who will be trail blazers and to make DPS Haldwani the benchmark school in the city.
Dear Children and Parents,
We are delighted to introduce DPS, Haldwani to you. Our institution is a progressive child-centred, co-educational setup committed to providing quality and holistic education for all the students.
DPS, Haldwani has a strong commitment in the quest for excellence in the field of education and in enhancing the student's potential and changing their outlook. Our purpose is to guide students to become conscientious and confident citizens. We seek to instil in our students a passion for learning that will bring the knowledge and understanding they will need to make a positive contribution to the communities in which they live and work.
We are fortunate to have a talented, highly committed teaching and support staff here to ensure the learning environment of our students is the best it can be. Optimism, tradition, inclusiveness, service, compassion, tolerance, hope and faithfulness are the underpinnings of the education we aim to provide. It is in this context that our students will learn.
The likelihood of achieving this is strengthened by the fact that we offer an academic program that includes breadth and depth and is rigorous. We encourage high academic standards and have high expectations of personal discipline and motivation from our students. These will be the keys to their success in life after school.
To quote Nobel Laureate Albert Einstein, " Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think." With this objective and strong belief, I would be pleased to welcome you to DPS, Haldwani and would be delighted to be involved in the education of your children and to foster their values, knowledge and wisdom.
Thank you for considering us as the school for your child.

Ms. Ranjana Shahi
Delhi Public School, Haldwani
- Late. Shri Hazari Lal Agarwal Ji
- Mr Bhumesh Agarwal
- Mr Gyanesh Agarwal
- Mr Prabodh Agarwal
- Mr Vivek Agarwal
Himalaya Stone Industries, Haldwani
Est 1985
Himalaya Stone Crusher Private Limited , Haridwar
Est 1996
Himalaya Eco Park & Resorts - Crystal World (Amusement & Water Park), Haridwar
Est 2005
Himalaya Grits, Haldwani
Est 2006
Himgiri Stone, Nazibabad
Est 2011
Himalaya Food & Recreations - National Food Court, Haridwar
Est 2016
Himalaya Education Society - Delhi Public School, Haldwani
Est 2018